Anyone who has ever spent time trying to be productive has experimented with different forms of organization.
Folders, tags, notebooks, and knowledge graphs are all good examples of this. They are the constructs that we use in a digital world to sort and categorize information.
But what if you spent less time organizing and more time curating? What if everything you wanted to keep track of was in one folder, instantly searchable, and automatically organized for you?
That’s what mymind does. And it’s kind of magical.
What is mymind?
mymind is a digital extension of your brain. It’s a container for storing everything that matters to you, except you don’t have to bother sorting, categorizing, or labeling it.
mymind automatically sorts and presents your saved content in a clear and understandable way, thanks to the power of artificial intelligence.
You can store webpages, articles, images, text snippets, social media posts, screenshots, PDFs, and more.
Who is mymind For?
mymind is for everyone who wants to keep track of the things they like. That could be TV shows you want to watch, clothes you want to buy, watches you covet, furniture for your new house, decorating ideas for the bathroom, and just about anything else. It’s like Pinterest, but smarter.
If you’re a writer, you can use mymind to store your research. If you’re a designer, mymind could be your mood board or color palette collection.
Developers can save code snippets and app ideas, while marketers can capture sales leads or inspiration for their next campaign.
In short, if you save things from the internet or cultivate any kind of PKM, then mymind is for you. No more bookmarks, no more disparate lists in a myriad of different apps, just everything in one place.
How Does mymind Work?
Adding things to your mind is simple. You can use the browser extension to save a website or add content via the Mac, Android, and iOS apps.
Anything you add is automatically tagged for you. You can remove any of these tags if you want, or add your own, but the AI search is smart enough to find what you want from any number of different search terms.
mymind also lets you create spaces. I found this curious because the app encourages you to forget about organizing and let the AI take care of that for you. But, if you need that option, spaces exist to help with that.
You can search for “shoes” to find pictures and websites you saved about shoes. You can also do deeper searches by searching for “shoes” hitting Enter, and then adding “blue” to find only the blue shoes.
When searching images, mymind uses OCR to read text from screenshots, photos, and handwritten notes.
And the search is fast. Lighting fast. You will get results before you have even finished typing your search term.

Refreshingly, mymind is private by design. So, although it might look like Pinterest or Google Keep, there are no social features, no collaboration, no analytics, no tracking, and no ads. Your data is your data.
I guess you either like that, or you don’t. Me? I love it. It puts the focus squarely on the things that I want to keep for myself.
Although it is not a notetaking app, you can add notes to mymind. These can be quick post-it style notes or a fullscreen focused note that hides all your other cards.
Formatting options are a little limited. You can bold or highlight text. There are two font sizes, a hyperlink tool, and the ability to create a to-do list. However, mymind does support Markdown if you like to write that way.

Pricing and Availability
There is no free plan, per se. You can sign up for an account and get a free trial that is limited to 100 cards, but after you use those up (and you will), a paid subscription is your only option to continue using mymind.
The paid plans include the Student of Life plan for $5.99 a month and the Mastermind plan for $11.99 a month. You can compare the plans here to see what they offer, but I would think most people would be happy with the $5.99 monthly plan.
Final Thoughts
I consider myself to be a good candidate for software like this. I have Amazon lists for future purchases and random things I want to save in Apple Reminders.
I have bookmarks in Brave, recipes in OneNote, ideas in Workflowy, and all kinds of other things that I have probably forgotten about.
The idea of bringing all that together in one super app is very appealing. And, from my experience using mymind, this is probably one of the only tools capable of doing this.
However, I am also running into subscription fatigue. I don’t know if I am ready for another expense. Besides, I am increasingly finding that Setapp meets most or all of my needs.
I would also still need a proper notetaking app, because this isn’t it. mymind is great at what it does, but notetaking is not yet one of its strengths. It won’t replace Bear, or Craft, or Apple Notes any time soon.
However, mymind is still a really great app. It really impressed me with what it can do, and I see how it would help people be more productive and better organized.
Try it out for yourself at