Sofa: Plan Your Downtime Like a Pro

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the endless choices of books, movies, games, and music that you want to enjoy in your spare time?

Of course you do. You’re a human being. We’re all overwhelmed.

Thankfully, help is at hand. Sofa is an app that lets you create lists of apps, books, board games, movies, and just about anything else that you would like to indulge in. It’s like a personal assistant for your downtime.

Here’s what you need to know.

What is Sofa?

Sofa is a free app for iPhone and iPad, but if you have an Apple Silicon Mac, you can use it there too.

It’s designed to be easy and intuitive to use. It’s one of those apps that, once you start using it, you will wonder how you survived without it. I used to use Reminders for things like this, but Reminders is my task manager, and these are not tasks!

Image courtesy of Sofa

You can create and add items to a list by typing in their titles. Sofa has connections to popular online databases that, when searched, will retrieve all the details you need about a that title.

For instance, if you are searching for a TV show like House of the Dragon, Sofa will pull in a thumbnail image, a synopsis of the show, and it will tell you where you can watch it. Sofa will also display how many seasons there are and when it first aired.

If lists aren’t your thing, you can also use the “Pile” feature to quickly save stuff that you’re not ready to organize yet. This is great for when you are having those water cooler conversations at work, and you just want to quickly add the show that everyone is talking about.

Image courtesy of Sofa

Features of Sofa

You can customize your lists with cover images, titles, descriptions, layouts, and themes, although some of these features require an upgrade to the Personal or Family plan.

Sofa lets you create groups of lists for different categories or moods. You can also share your lists with friends and family via iCloud so that everyone can add to shared lists together.

Once you have a healthy selection to choose from, you can also prioritize items by adding them to “The Shelf” feature, where you can see them aggregated together in one place.

Image courtesy of Sofa

One of the more unique features of Sofa is the ability to add sticky notes to items in your lists. This is great for remembering who recommended something or for logging your thoughts about it.

Finally, the Activity feed keeps a log of what you’ve watched, read, and played over time. You can filter your activity by date range or type and see some stats about it.

Why You Need Sofa

Sofa is more than just a list-making app. It’s a tool that helps you be more intentional with your downtime. Sometimes, I spend more time looking for something to watch on TV than I actually do watching TV.

It helps you discover new things that you might enjoy based on your interests and preferences and avoid decision fatigue by giving you just enough information about your options.

Sofa is also an app that respects your privacy and security. Your data is completely private and secure on your device or iCloud account. The app will not track you or sell your personal data to anyone.

Image courtesy of Sofa


If you’re looking for a way to organize your downtime and have more fun with it, I highly recommend giving Sofa a try!

It’s free to download from the App Store, but there is an optional subscription for Super Sofa, which unlocks some extra features and customization options.

You can learn more about Sofa at

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